“No, Meera, not this time. You are too young.” Her mother replied. Then she picked Meera up and said, “Can you see the handsome fellow on the white horse?”
“Yes, Ma. I see him. He is wearing a turban like father does. Where is he going?”
“He is the groom. He is going over to marry his bride.”
After watching the marriage party for sometime, Meera thought of another question. “Will I be married, Ma? Who will be my groom?”
“O, Meera, you are too young.”
“No, no, Ma! Please tell me who?”
“Hmm…let’s see who will be my Meera’s groom.. who will he be? Why yes, I know. You will marry Thakurji, Krishna Bhagavan.” Meera’s mother said half in jest as she ran her fingers through Meera’s pretty curls, tousling them.
So they went to the shrine. Meera’s mother picked up a really beautiful, black stone statue of Lord Krishna, playing the flute and gave it to her. “Here is your groom.” That was how Meera knew that she was to marry Lord Krishna.
Meera’s marriage to Bhoj was in name only. At heart, Meera was married only to Lord Krishna. She was gentle with her husband Bhoj and her family, and served them with all her abilities, but loved only Lord Krishna. Prince Bhoj loved Meera, and tried his best to make her happy. He wanted her company, but Meera spent all her free time for Lord Krishna, writing songs and singing them. She sang:
My only husband is Giridhar Gopal (Lord Krishna), and nobody else.
O Rana! You gave me poison drink but I became gold burned in fire.
Meera entered the temple, to pray and ask Lord Krishna what she should do. Lord Krishna told her to come to Him. As she approached the stone image of the Lord, her body disappeared into it. Only her sari was found draped around the image.