"Vishnu Ka Varaha Avatar"
(Oil on Canvas)
Artist: Kanchan Bagari
The Veharah Incarnation Of Vishnu
The ten best known Avatars of Vishnu are collectively known as “Dasavtara”
{1} MATSYA, the fish-avatar who saved Manu- the progenitor of mankind from the great deluge and rescued the Vedic scriptures by killing a demon
{2} KURMA, the tortoise- avatar, who helped in the Samudra manthan- the churning of the ocean
{3} VARAHA, the boar- avatar, who rescued the earth from the ocean, by killing her kidnapper-damon Hiranyaksha
{4} NARASIMHA, the half man-half lion avatar, who killed the tyrant demon- king Hiranyakashipu, to rescue the demon’s son Prahlada, who was a Vishnu-devotee
{5} VAMANA, the dwarf-avatar, who defeated the demon-king Bali
{6} PARASHURAMA, sage with the axe who defeated the demon-king Kartavirya Arjuna
{7} RAMA, the king of Ayodhya, and the hero of the Hindu epic Ramayana
{8} KRISHNA, the king of Dwarka, a central character in the Bhagavata Purana and the Mahabharata and reciter of Bhagavat Gita
{10} KALKI (“Eternity”, or “Time”, or “The Destroyer of foulness”), who is expected to appear at the end of Kali Yuga.
Here Vishnu’s 3rd incarnation is shown
A demon Hiranyaksha, had prayed for Lord Brahma and got awarded a boon that no beast nor man nor God could kill him. But somehow from the list of beasts the name of boar was missing. He pushed the world to the Pataal loka, or the under of the sea. He stole the Vedas, the holy scriptures from the Lord Brahma, while he was asleep and performed huge atrocities. To retrieve the Vedas from the under of the ocean, using its two tusks. It then killed Hiranyaksha and retrieved the Vedas from the asura and brought it back to the safe custody of the Lord Brahma.
Here, the same incarnation of Lord Vishnu in form of a Varaha has been exhibited. This incarnation of Varaha is one of the most significant incarnation out of the twelve incarnation of Vishnu.
It shows that goodess always emerges victorious from all the bad and ugly.
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