22 May to 28 May 2010
New Delhi
“Kala Ki Pukar”- The Call Of The Art
An Art of Customs and Inspiration:
This exhibition of paintings named as “Kala Ki Pukar”, all the statues of Rajasthan have been painted on the canvas through the oil colours. A strange and unique concourse of Art has been exhibited.
Through these paintings homage has been given to all those unknown Indian Artists who have left this great unique legacy for us. No written record is available as to who created these marvelous statues and nobody knows about them.
These statutes are our precious legacy, which should carefully be preserved.
Along with this “Paintings Exhibition” and through it, I (Artist Kanchan Bagari) have also conved the message to every common people- “The Art Of Living”. I have somewhere given the expression of the song of life among these painted status and somewhere tried to lay bare the mysteries of life. In many of my paintings, the statues have been shown in their demolished form. The cause of this is that there occur many happenings in our life which kill our desire for living. Under such moments of frustration, instead of crumbling down, we should learn the art of living. The way, a statue looks beautiful inspite of demolition, in the same way there lie many colours hidden in our life. As T.S.Eliot say’s-“Life is lost in living.” But these paintings teach us “the art of happy living.”
About those unknown Artists I can only say-
“Full many of gem of purest say serene,
The dark unfathomed cover of ocean bear,
Full many a flower is born unseen,
To waste its sweetness to the desert air.”
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