One day a very simple girl meets a boy. This boy is a fun loving guy. Soon they become best friends. The girl is always honest with her friend and tells him everything, but the boy is not. He enjoys talking with her but soon he realises that he is falling in love with her. She is sweet and beautiful and he knows she cannot live without him.
As time goes by, the boy knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with his beloved. But he needs to go away to work so that they can be together.
“My Beloved, I need to go away for work, so that we can be together. Will you wait for me?”
Lifting her tear stained face to look into his eyes, “I’ll wait for you till my last breath.”
They embrace feeling the need to never let go, they kiss, pressing into each other one last time, as he says goodbye to his beloved.
After a year, the boy comes back home, not sure if his Beloved has waited for him. He goes to his Beloved, as they look at each other she runs to him and they embrace not speaking. He looks down at his Beloved and lifts her chin so they can kiss...
“Did you wait for me or have you found someone else?”
“Oh no, she says there is no one else, only you my love” .......smiling and eager to kiss him. As they pull apart....
“Every day and night I wait for you, praying that you would return to me soon. Every day I thought about our special moments together, they have helped me wait for you.”
The boy has returned a man, he is so happy with his life; he wants to marry his Beloved. He tells his friends about his love for his Beloved. But they don’t believe him.
“Are you sure, that she waited for you?"
“What if she has been telling you lies?”
The man is confused, can he trust his Beloved, and has she told him the truth he thinks. His friends convince him that he needs to test her. He has known his friends for many years and he trusts them. So he begins to test her in many ways, but she is always honest. He believes her, he knows deep down that she loves him very much and he loves her.
His friends cannot believe that he has found a sweet beautiful woman, they are jealous they don’t want him to be happy. They come up with a plan, as they sit down with their friend; they attempt one more time to convince him to test his Beloved. He cannot believe that they would ask him to test her this way. He doesn’t want to do it, he believes his Beloved loves him.
They tell him
“If she really loves you then ask her to die for you, it is the only way to know she loves you unconditionally.”
The boy sits there; his head is in his hands....
“It is a pretend gun, it is not real, go meet her.” They chime together.
“Tell her your life depends on it, that you must shoot her, otherwise your life is in danger”
He goes to his Beloved, he is sad. deep down he knows his Beloved loves him, but he wants to be sure. How can he marry someone if he cannot trust or believe in her. As he sits there she comes over and wraps her arms around him. She knows something is not right.
“What is wrong my love? Tell me, let me help you to be happy again”
“Do you really love me?” he asks. “Would you do anything for me if I asked it of you?”
“Of course my love, anything for you,” she says.
“Would you die for me? Would you let me shoot you if my life depended on it?” he asks.
She takes his face, and looks deep into his eyes, searching for answers. “Your life depends on shooting me?”
“I understand, ok. If you must if your life depends on it, you are my life and I cannot live without you.”
Lowering her eyes, tears running down her face, she wipes the tears as you lifts her face.
The boy is happy, he knows in his heart that she loves him and has been honest with him. He picks the gun up to carry through with the test, as tears run down his face as he looks upon his sweet beautiful Beloved.
“I’m sorry he says, I am helpless to these people.”
“Please don’t cry, please I cannot stand to see you cry, please do it shoot me. I will give you my life so you can live.”
He looks into her eyes as he lifts the gun and points it at his Beloved.
“How can you stand there?” he says. “How could you love me now, as I stand here with a gun pointed at you? How can you forgive me? I don’t deserve you!” as he pulls the trigger.
As the gun goes off, the boy realises that it is a real gun. His Beloved falls to the ground. He runs over to lift her into his arms.
“My Beloved what have I done?” he strokes her face, tears running down his face. He knows that he has killed his Beloved.
She lifts her hand to his face, “It is ok, my love. My love is true. You will know that my gift to you is my life. You must take care of my love and hold onto me. Please do not cry, you are safe now; you have done what they have asked you. I can die knowing that I have saved you.”
He holds her closer crying out loudly “What have I done? What have I done?” he cries out in pain. “I know you love me and I will marry you” he tells his Beloved.
“They have tricked me, they told me it was a toy gun, please stay with me, please my Beloved, I love you.”
As he sits there holding his Beloved, rocking her back and forth, He knows his friends have tricked him, but they will finally believe him about how much they loved each other.
Two Angels come to take his Beloved to heaven, but as she looks upon her body in his loves arms, she refuses to go.
“The door is open to you now; come let’s travel back where you can enjoy the pleasures of heaven.”
“No!” she cries out, “I cannot leave, I cannot enjoy the pleasures of heaven, while I know that my love is here in tears and crying for me”
“How can you decide to stay here with him, when he shot you?” they ask in a quizzical look.
She looks up into their heavenly face, “He is innocent, it is not his fault. I love him and he loves me. It was his friends fault they tricked him into doing this. I will not leave him alone; I will stay with him till he can join me here in heaven.”
The moral of the story:
Always trust in the one you love. Don’t test them again and again to prove what you already know to be true because once you lose them, you will have lost everything.... everything .
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