About Me
- Kanchan Bagari
- Artist, Painter, Writer & Poet, Model, Counselor and Photographer. (France) For More Info: Googel Search by Kanchan Bagari.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
"My Promise"

Thursday, October 6, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
A man is a traveler
Somewhere far away when the day is over,
The dusk slowly creeps in like a shy bride.
In my garden of thoughts,
Someone lights the lamp of dreams.
Somewhere when the day is over,
The bride in form of dusk, hiding her body, creeps in.
Sometimes when just like that, the breaths become heavy,
When the eyes moisten with tears for no reason,
Then someone, very lovingly,
Touches me but can not be seen, can not be seen.
Somewhere far away when the day is over.
Sometimes, these hearts can not even meet,
And sometimes, the bonds are there from so many lives.
Very heavy is the dilemma, strange is my heart,
Being mine it tolerates the pain of others.
This heart knows all these deep secrets of mine,
How my dreams have been fulfilled.
These dreams of mine, they are only mine.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
The Girl Who Married a Snake
The Brahmin’s wife remained firm and refused to listen to any one. She loved the snake as her son and didn’t care that her infant was a snake. She brought up the snake with love and care. She fed him with the best food she could arrange for. She made a comfortable bed in a box and made him sleep on it. The snake grew up and his mother loved him all the more. On one occasion, there was a wedding in the neighborhood; the Brahmin’s wife began to think of getting her son married. But the question aroused, which girl would marry a snake?
Although, she had a belief that she would definitely get a girl for her son. One day, when the Brahmin returned home, he found his wife in tears. He asked her, “What happened? Why are you crying? “She didn’t answer and kept on crying. The Brahmin asked again, “Tell me what hurts you so much?" Finally, she said, “I know you don’t love my son. You are not taking any interest in our son. He is grown up. You don’t even think to get him a bride”. The Brahmin was shocked to hear such words. He replied, “Bride, for our son? Do you think any girl would marry to a snake?”
The Brahmin’s wife didn’t respond, but she kept on crying. On seeing her crying like that, the Brahmin decided to go out in search of a bride for his son. He traveled to many places, but found no girl who was ready to marry a snake. At last, he arrived in a big city where one of his friends lived. As the Brahmin had not met him for a long time, he decided to meet him.
Both of the friends were happy to see each other after a long time and spent a good time altogether. During the conversation, the friend happened to ask the Brahmin that why he was traveling round the country. The Brahmin said,” I am looking for a bride for my son”. The friend told him not to go any further and promised his daughter’s hand in marriage. The Brahmin was shocked and said, “I think, it would be better if you see my son before deciding this”.
His friend refused saying that he knew him and his family, so it was not necessary to see the boy. He sent his daughter with the Brahmin in order to get married with his son. The Brahmin’s wife was happy to know this and quickly started making preparations for the marriage. When the villagers heard about this, they went to the girl and advised her not to marry the snake. The girl refused to hear to them and insisted that she had to keep her father’s word.
Accordingly, the marriage between the snake and the girl took place. The girl started living with her husband, the snake. She was a devoted wife and looked after the snake like a good wife. The snake slept in his box at night. One night, when the girl was going to sleep, she saw a handsome young man in the room. She was frightened and was about to run for help. The young man stopped her and said, “Don’t fear. Didn’t you recognize me? I am your husband”.
The girl didn’t believe him. The young man proved himself by entering into the snake’s skin and then came out of it once again as the young man. The girl was really happy to find her husband in a human form and fell at his feet. From that night onwards, every night the young would come out of the snake’s skin. He used to stay with his wife till daybreak and then would slip back into the snake’s skin.
One night, the Brahmin heard voices from his daughter-in-law’s room. He kept a watch and saw the snake turning into a young man. He rushed into the room, seized the snake’s skin and threw it into the fire. The young man said, “Dear Father, thank you very much. Due to a curse, I had to remain a snake until somebody without asking me, destroy the snake’s body. Today, you have done it. Now, I am now free from the curse." Thus, the young man never became snake again and lived happily with his wife.
A True story of The Beggar by Kanchan Bagari
Before India gained independence, a few young men from the villages wanted to free India from the foreign yoke; they wanted the British to quit India. They needed material wealth to throw the British out of India, so they started collecting money in the Indian villages.
One day, they got inspired to collect material things as well. They went from door to door carrying a huge bag, which gradually was filled with money and gifts. As they went, a one-legged beggar kept following them. The young men did not mind.
At the end of the day, they entered into a house to see what they had collected. The beggar also wanted to enter, but since he was not a member of the group, they did not allow him in. The beggar pleaded with them: "I walked such a long distance right behind you. You want freedom; I also want freedom. Our Motherland is not only your property. It is also my property."
At first, the young men got mad and told the beggar to go away. Then one of the men felt sorry for him, so they decided to show him the things they had collected. While the beggar was looking at the gifts in their bag, most of them were showing him real contempt. Then suddenly the beggar opened up the bag that he had been carrying. It contained a few coins and some rice. He spontaneously threw all the contents into their bag.
Immediately all the members of the revolutionary group started shedding tears of gratitude, because he had given all that he had to their cause. On that day, they had gone to visit so many rich families, who had given them next to nothing; but this beggar had given them everything that he had! They were deeply moved by the beggar's contribution.
"Everyone is a beggar"- Story of Sacrifice by Kanchan Bagari
Once there was a king who was always fighting. One day he was badly wounded in a battle. A sage passed by and touched him, and the king was cured. He wanted to give the sage a reward for saving him, but the sage didn't want anything.
The king said, "I don't want to be indebted to you."
The sage said, "In the future I'll ask for something. I don't need anything now, but one day I'll come."
Months passed and the sage was praying to God one day for peace, light and bliss, when a desire entered his mind. For the past few months his cow had not been producing milk. "She's old," he said. "I'll ask the king for a new cow."
He went to see the king and found him in a temple. He was praying for more wealth and more fame.
The sage said to himself, "I won't ask him for a cow. He's a beggar like me." And he turned to leave.
The king stopped him and said, "Sage, you saved my life. Please tell me what you want. I'll give you anything."
The sage said, "I pray to God and meditate. He is all I need. I don't want to take anything from anyone in need. You told me you took an oath that you would not be indebted to anyone. I, too, have taken an oath. My oath is that if anyone is in need, then I won't take anything from that person. That's why I won't take anything from you. You're praying to God for material things. You're begging for God to give you wealth and fame. So how can I ask anything of you? God has shown me that everyone is a beggar. So if I need something, I'll get it from Him."
Monday, June 13, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
"True Love Never Dies"
True Love Never Dies –
But What Is True Love?
We all know and say- True Love Never Dies But the truth is that mostly people really don't know what is True Love?
True love is forever.
Why then do half of the marriages in the world end in divorce, and why are so many couples always breaking up? Simple, they don’t know true love. What’s true love then? True love is unconditional love. And no, that’s not just limited to mothers and God. Ordinary humans can do it too… but that doesn’t mean it’s easy
Unconditional love is when you love someone not for certain aspects of them that can change, but you love them for their innermost essence… their soul even, if you will. Unconditional love is when you still love someone no matter how much they change, no matter how ugly they become, and no matter how many stupid things they do or how much they may hurt you. Unconditional love is something that perseveres even when it may hurt you or when it seems to go completely against your own best interests. So, it’s not for the faint of heart. It takes true courage to love even just one person unconditionally, and that’s something not a lot of people have.
So, most people in relationships don’t really love each other. They might think they do, but for the most part they’re just infatuated or horny or lonely. Most relationships are based on someone’s needs. They either need “someone to be with” or they need someone to have sex with or something. There’s always some kind of an outcome that they want… the love isn’t its own reward.
True unconditional love doesn’t need a relationship to thrive, and it doesn’t need any kind of outcome whatsoever. Just to be able to experience unconditional love is its own reward.
The average modern romantic relationship is actually very limiting with regards to true love. Jealousy is a commonly accepted feeling – it’s considered normal. But jealousy and true love don’t actually go together at all. If you truly unconditionally love someone, why would you ever feel jealous if they spend time with other people, or even if they love other people besides you? You just wouldn’t – because love is a good thing, and therefore more love can only be better. And if spending time with other people makes that person happy, then that makes you happy too because you enjoy seeing that person happy. When you truly love someone then that person's happiness become your everything and you can do anything for his smile. Jealousy is actually quite insane when you think about it like that. It’s quite incompatible with true love.
But that doesn’t mean that if you ever feel the slightest hint of jealousy, that doesn’t mean you don’t truly love the person. You could just be having a moment of weakness… as I said above, unconditional love isn’t for the faint of heart, and it takes a lot of courage to keep it up. You’re only human, and nobody is perfect… And the truth is that in todays world its really difficult to found True love. Its hard to found a person or love who loves you without reason and unconditional. Who is 100% capable of unconditional love anyway. But it’s worth it to see how close you can get because it really is one of the most awesome things you can do or experience.
Those really lucky who found true love.
Meaning Of LOVE
Everyone talks about love. “I love my girlfriend”… or “I love my house”, but everyone just assumes that they know what love is. Do they really?
What’s the difference between loving your girlfriend and loving your house? Is there one? Do you get jealous if your house spends time with other people, for instance? … Didn’t think so.
Maybe it’ll be easier to work backwards. What ISN’T love?
Is love possessiveness? Can you love someone while forcing them to be with you alone and not even look at other people? I think not.
Is love lust? If you’re perving on someone, does that mean you love them? On its own, no, but it doesn’t mean you DON’T also love them…
Going back to the house jealousy example above… is jealousy love? If you feel neglected or left out if someone you love spends time with other people, what does that say about your self-esteem and trust for that person? You either don’t trust the person, or you have some insecurity issues you should probably work on. It doesn’t mean you don’t love the person, at least not in theory… but I’d be willing to bet the majority of people who claim to love someone, but get jealous when that person spends time with someone else… I’d bet most of those people don’t really love that person. Why? Because if you truly genuinely love someone unconditionally, you want that person to be happy and free, and you would never want to hold him/her back by limiting what he/she can do. If spending time with other people makes him/her happy, then that’s precisely what you want him/her to do.
Say you love someone, and that person changes, do you still love them? “It depends on what changed!” I hear you say… but doesn’t that mean that you never really loved the PERSON, you only loved certain aspects of them? People change all the time, if you are to say that you love a person, you need to be able to truthfully say that you love all their changes as well. How many parents can honestly say that about their kids? I see a lot of parents wanting their kids to be a certain way, and getting upset when their kids don’t turn out that way. That isn’t love.
Real love is unconditional. I know many people say there are different kinds of love, but I’m here to say that’s all nonsense. Romantic love? Brotherly love? What’s the difference? They’re both love, but romantic love for example has romance added on as well. It’s not a different kind of love, it’s just love + romance. Simple enough. What about brotherly love? That’s plain old simple unconditional love with no added features. Think about all the different “types of love” people talk about, and try to seperate them into their individual parts. Love will always be one part, and there may or may not be other parts to go along with it. And maybe some of these “types” aren’t even love at all… okay, let’s have a look at “erotic love”. What’s that? I’d say that’s just love+lust… HOWEVER, a lot of people think that lust=love… they think that if they feel attracted to someone, then that means they love that person. That is not true at all. You can be attracted to people without loving them whatsoever, and you can love people without being attracted to them at all. So “erotic love” is if you manage to do both: love someone and also be attracted to them as well. It’s actually all very simple, but all the nonsense you see on TV is bound to confuse the hell out of everyone.
So, back to the original question… “What does love mean?“…
I don’t know. I actually seriously don’t know how to tell you what it means. We’ve clarified what it ISN’T, but how do I explain what it actually means? It’s more than just an emotional feeling, real true unconditional love is actually more of a spiritual thing, it’s something that changes everything about you, your entire outlook on life… not just some simple emotional chemicals in your brain like the scientist people like to talk about.
Love is a strong feeling its not just a word and you can't describe it in words.
You can only feel it, can't see it.
So I guess the simplest way to answer the question would be to say:
“Love means everything”.
Most people who claim to love someone don’t really love them, because they don’t know what love actually is.
What is love NOT?
Possessiveness is not love
Jealousy is not love
Lust is not love
Fear is not love
Keeping people all to yourself is not love
Expecting something from someone is not love
Real, true love is unconditional. All other “kinds” of love are not really love. Most parents and kids don’t love each other, most people in relationships don’t love each other, most people on the planet never experience unconditional love in their entire lives… or at least it sure looks that way.
To love someone unconditionally means that you love the person exactly as they are, exactly as they were before, and exactly as they will be in the future – because people change all the time, so if you love the person, you will love them even if they become something you disagree with. How many parents can say that about their kids? How many people can say that about their “lover”? Love is not about you or your pleasure or your amusement. It’s not about what you get out of it or what the other person can give to you. It’s not about having a trophy you can show off with and tell people “This is *MY* girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband/son/daughter/whatever”. You do not “own” anyone. It’s not about you feeling ‘proud’ to be with someone who always agrees with everything you say and do and never does anything you disagree with. Unconditional love means that the person can just live their life exactly as they choose and you will always be there for them no matter what.
So, how does unconditional love fit in with relationships and marriage and sex and all that stuff the whole world keeps going crazy over? It doesn’t, really. It doesn’t “fit” in anywhere. Relationships are like trying to put love into a box and keep it there, except love is infinitely sized, and the box is… well, there is no box large enough. And a normal, conventional marriage is quite possibly the worst possible way to show someone how much you love them.
Unconditional love is more of a spiritual thing. It’s not bound by physical things, like blood relations and the desire to procreate. It has nothing whatsoever to do with sex. Most people are in relationships because they’re horny and/or lonely, even if they genuinely think they love the other person. But if the person they “love” suddenly lost their “equipment” for whatever reason, would they still want to be with that person? Would they get jealous if the person they “love” wanted to spend time with other people as well? Relationships based on needs are not unconditional.
In order to truly understand love, you must first forget everything you have ever learned about it from society and anyone else. You are the only person who can tell you what love is. The only reason I’m writing all this stuff is because people always try to fit “love” in with things like dating, relationships and marriage and all that. You can’t make any sense of it if you keep doing that. You have to get rid of everything you think you know first.
The meaning of love is found in the word "unconditional". Loving someone through their flaws and all. Accepting and embracing each others differences and compromising with their offerings. Love happens only once in a life....If you fell in love the second time then the first love you fell in was infact just an infactuation......Love happens when you realised that you are worth for the love you are being offered.....love is when you care for someone, when you feel something for him deep inside your heart and love is when you think you can do anything for him If you truly love him .Love is not just cutting your hand and washing blood all over your body, love is trusting the one you love .once the letter T is removed from the word Trust, it becomes Rust and it cannot be replaced the whole life .thus Love is only CARING AND TRUSTING the one you love . Love is reality not illusion.
L ------ Let your heart speak in silence
O ------ Oblige to take all the sacrifices
V ------ Vehemently accept criticism
E ------ Endure to carry all the pain
A beautiful gift from HIM above and no one can really define.. LOVE...
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Kanchan Bagari: Supergirl
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
"I am with You"
Monday, April 11, 2011
"How can I show you...."
How can I show you.... Who you are to me, how can I show you. How can I show you.... You are the song of my heartbeat, You are the music of my life, You are my life, you are my devotion, You are my light, you are my freshness, You are my every happiness, you are my love. You are my affection, you are my soul mate. You are in my eyes, you are in my memories, You are in my breath, you are in my sighs, You are in my sleep, you are in my dreams. You are in my every word. You are in my days and nights. You are in dawn, you are in dusk. You are in my thoughts, you are in my work. For me, gaining is you. For me, losing is also you. For me, laughing is you. For me, crying is also you. And waking and sleeping are also you. Wherever I go, wherever I look, You are there, you are right there. How can I show you.... Without you I am nothing at all. How can I show you.... Who you are to me. This beauty of your heart, It is life's sunshine. How can I show you.... The condition of my anxious heart. How can I show you.... Who you are to me. How can I show you, how can I show you.... For me, you are law. For me, you are conscience. You are my prayer. You are my desire. You are my wish. That which I look at every moment, You are that picture. You are my fate. You are my star. You are my sight. You are in my battles. As if you are shielding me. You are in the east, you are in the west.You are in the north, you are in the south. You are in my entire life. You are in every moment, you are in every instant. For me, you are the road. For me, you are also the destination. For me, you are the ocean. For me, you are also the shore. I only see you. I only think of you. I only know you. I only believe in you. You are my very recognition. How can I show you.... You are my life. How can I show you Who you are to me. How ... |